Greening the City

I’ve had this idea for a couple years now that it would be necessary for any building over a certain amount of stories to have a roof top garden to help clean the air hopefully reducing the amount of smog that high traffic areas receive. I was wondering if this is cost effective, how much of an impact it would have and how I would go about trying to put it into action.

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5 Responses to Greening the City

  1. avatar Kaitlin says:

    Hey! This is a great idea, something I’d love to see in our city as well. I don’t know if you’ve taken ENV100, but in that class a guest presenter named Jeff Licht introduced us to the concept of Green Roofs. I also found it interesting in that lecture that he had mentioned using recyclable materials like cardboard in order to create the roof-top containers used in his green roofing projects. Maybe you could check that out!

  2. avatar Amy says:

    Good idea, that would actullay be a really good thing to do!

  3. avatar Steve says:

    There was a story the other day in the Toronto Star on this – our new mayor wants to weaken the new bylaw about green roofs:–industries-may-escape-green-roof-bylaw

  4. avatar Adelina says:

    I’m actually working on this topic for my blog post!

  5. avatar Tony says:

    Looks like we’ve got one fine critical thinker:)

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