3 Jackets

This past week has been a whirlwind of weather. Within a 72 hour period the people of Toronto have faced a -2 degree Celsius Tuesday, 13 degree Celsius Wednesday, and a -10 degree Celsius Thursday. And not to mention multiple water main breaks, a crumbling DVP, winds that had the ability to sweep away a small child, a snow day at school (YIPEE) and fog denser than a sponge cake. Wake up call to the deniers of a changing climate, I think so. An inconvenient fashion change ever day this week, I know so. A time for immediate city action to create sound infrastructure for the new age of human influenced climate, always.


About Myra

University of Toronto Student 1T6 Interested in living life to the fullest and learning more about the science and politics of the climate. Follow me on twitter @myralisselle
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