I’ve been working for the past couple of months with the Cities Centre and the U of T Sustainability Office to put together a symposium on sustainability, where we pose the question “What role should the University of Toronto play in the broader challenge of building a sustainable city?”. We now finally have all the details in place:

  • An Evening Lecture, on the evening of June 13, 6pm to 9pm, at Innis Town Hall, featuring Bob Willard, author of “The Sustainability Advantage”, Tanzeel Merchant, of the Ontario Growth Secretariat and Heritage Toronto, and John Robinson, Director of the UBC Sustainability initiative and the Royal Canadian Geographical Society’s Canadian Environmental Scientist of the Year.
  • A full day visioning workshop on June 14, 9am to 5pm, at the Debates Room, Hart House. With a mix of speakers and working group sessions, the goal will be to map out a vision for sustainability at U of T, that brings together research, teaching and operations at the University, and explores how we can use the University as a “living lab” to investigate challenges in urban sustainability.

And it’s free. Register here!

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