The 12th Annual Weblog (Bloggies) awards shortlists are out. This year, they have merged the old categories of “Best Science weblog” and “Best Computer or Technology Weblog” into a single category, “Best Science or Technology Weblog“. And the five candidates on the shortlist? Four technology blogs and one rabid anti-science blog.
Not that this award ever had any track record for being able to distinguish science from pseudo-science; the award is legendary for vote-stuffing. But this year it has really stooped to new depths.
They’re also nominating Watts for the “Lifetime Achievement” category…
Yes, Watts has accidentally entered some science in his blog, but the Bloggies-people haven’t told where it is.
Watts isn’t the only anti-science blog in the bloggies. Check some of the other categories. Looks as if the nominating process has been stuffed up.
Tallbloke’s blog is in “Best European”. Guess what’s in “Best Canadian” and “Best Australian”? (A twofer in the latter!)
Rather I think it a sign of the corruption of the Bloggies… it seems it must be utterly embarrassing to them to have such a poorly structure process.
The Bloggies is just tainting their own brand. I suspect they know.