The Subversion book (it's turtles all the way down)
Here’s the funniest comment from when I visited NCAR the other week. We were talking over dinner about how just about anything the scientists say and do now will be twisted out of context, to try and prove a conspiracy. Never mind “tricks” and “data manipulation”. What happens when the ignoranti find out that the tool used to manage the code for the climate models is called Subversion?
They’ll probably start asking for anonymous access to the repo…
Ouch. I suspect that denier request for ever more detail are effectively a fractal–it’s bottomless and the same to any depth of examination.
In time I expect them to start asking for the schematics of the computers used to run the models, the sources of the electricity that powered the computers, etc.
And a certain portion of the population will eat it up with a spoon.
Calling the slippery slope argument a fractal does nothing to its status as a logical fallacy. But I realize the intent here is humor, so:
For code geeks, the Subversion pun goes deeper. Subversion is the most popular of the “non-distributed” version control systems.
My favorite code management system is Mercurial. A better fit for an “alarmist” personality don’t you think?
And according to informal survey the most popular version control system to give a “denier” would be Git.
what, climate scientists use git? ad hominem!!!!
We went through this with the iPod app for Skeptical Science:
Marion Delgado
Marion Delgado
But on this issue, I have to add …
Sounds like the programmers are turning in their CVs.
I notice Judith Curry talking about “corruption” of the IPCC’s processes.
Another place where the word can be taken several ways quite easily.
Aside on Apple — I noticed they reversed their rejection of cartoonist Mark Fiore, and invited him to reapply for the iPad, last week, after his work won a Pulitzer Prize.