Google tells me I’m not the only one blogging from the EGU meeting this week:
- Bente Lilja Bye is blogging about the sessions on Tsunami Risk;
- Dave Petley is blogging about landslides;
- Quirin Schiermeier is blogging on mountain hydrology and in particular the effect of climate change on glaciers in the alps; and comments on Weigel’s talk on seasonal forecasting;
And some others who might blog this week:
- Bryan Lawrence appears to be too busy giving talks to blog much this week (update: he did)
- Robert Huber tells me there is a biodiversity informatics session (found it);
But by and large, Google also seems to be telling me that this community doesn’t blog very much.
- RealClimate blogs about the token skeptic;
- Liz Kalaugher does some excellent summaries of the threat to Canada’s ice fields, MIT’s wheel of fortune; and Chris Jones’ trillionth tonne;